Monday, July 14, 2014

Irrigation blowout

Friday afternoon we had a blowout on #4 . It was the main line of our system and at a three way junction. The 6 inch line splits at the tee and is reduced to 3 inches one direction and 4 inches in the other. The break occurred at the tee itself. Here is a picture of the pipe after we exposed it and prepared it for repair.
Here is the truck load of parts needed to repair the line.
We got to work on it first thing Saturday morning. Here is proof that the Superintendent is not afraid to get dirty.

Alfredo tightening the bolts on the junction.
Finished, now time to bury it and pressurize.
When we pressurized our repair held true, BUT another joint 8 feet down line blew out! Here is Jose and Alfredo finishing the second repair.
We were able to get the system back up and running by Sat. Evening! Thanks to my staff that made that happen.

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