Saturday, July 28, 2012

Greens Speeds at the Classic

The offical green speed measurements for the first two rounds are 12.5 using USGA Stimp meter.

Mearsurments were taken bothdays at 9:00am on 17 green. They were very consistent from day to day. Although, I would expect the greens to speed up a little more today due to the warmer, dryer air.
I anticipate the speeds being very close to the same tomorrow.

Friday, July 27, 2012


It takes a couple of weeks of preparations to have the Course ready for a tournament like the Maumelle Classic. However, the morning preparations  during the actual tournament is some of the most important action!
We utilize every member of our crew, most of them on the greens.
Here are pictures of most of the jobs that we accomplish in front of the golfers.
 Clint Sellers our New Assistant Superintendent Changes Cups early morning before play.
 We use 4 crew members to walk mow all greens prior to play. In the foreground is Edgar on 11 and in the distance is Oscar on 15.
 Jose is our fith greens mower. He mows every green again after the walk mowers to  smooth the surface another time and clip a little more leaf blade.
 Alfredo then Rolls the geens with the roller. This is the final step in preping the grens. They are now perfect!.
 We mow every fairway in front of play. Here is Oscar on 7.
 Cande mowing fairways on 6.
 Tanner and Tayler have finished walk mowing their greens , they then checked greens one last time and blew any leaves or pine straw that may have  fallen onto the greens.
Lorenzo rakes every bunker. He is on early moring!

Monday, July 16, 2012


Today we fertilzed the entire course (geen settings, fairways, and tee settings and roughs boardering fairways). We used 7450 lbs of fertilizer and covered 54 acres.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

90 Degree Rule !

As of this morning we can once again follow the 90 degree cart rule. Please be aware of were you are driving and please do not drive over or through any roped off areas. Thank you.