Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Taget Green Nearly Complete.

All of the work is finished on the target gree. All we have to do now is water it and wait for the sod to root. Once that happens we will mow the green to the same hieght as the tee and the rest of the complex will be mowed at the same hieght as the range. This will give players a much more realistic target to shoot for.

Here are some pictures of the work in progress

Shaping and grading

The Crew Sodding

Nearly finished sodding.

View from the tee after sod was layed.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Driving Range

Thanks to the MGA we are improving the first target green on the Range. I am re-shaping the area so it at least resembles a Green complex, adding some irrigation and re-sodding the area so we can better maintain the area with little added annual cost. During this process we will have occasionally close the range. We are trying to do this during time periods that are historically slow. We thank you for your cooperation.

Here are some early pictures of the project.

 Here is Edgar sod cutting the area so that I can shape it with a rented Bobcat.

 Edgar still working.

After the first shaping I worked the area with our sandpro's blade to attempt a fine tuning.
The complex really starting to look like a target green!